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Parent and child group swimming lessons - School Of Little Swimmers

Parent and Child Group Swimming Lessons


You’re only young once, give your child the gift of learning to NAVIGATE the water.

Parent and child group lessons are the perfect swimming lessons for children under the age of 4 years old. These classes are designed for both parent and child to learn the fundamental skills of swimming and water safety. We have a classes suitable to all abilities where you and your child will learn age-appropriate swimming skills and develop fundamental motor skills to provide them with confidence and strong foundations to help them in the water.  

School of Little Swimmers boast a warm and inviting indoor pool at Klemzig. If parent and child group lessons don’t suits your family needs check out our private lessons which can even be held in your home pool! 

Learn, Develop, Explore

School of Little Swimmers is dedicated to giving every student maximum practice time, therefore, which is why we require a parent or guardian to join us in the pool.

School of Little Swimmers has designed a progressive program for small group classes held at our indoor swimming pool in Klemzig. We have designed a program for children from 6 months of age. Our program places an emphasis on being relaxed in the water and allowing children to explore independently in the magical world of water.

What to expect

You will learn tips and tricks and ways to engage with your baby (6 months to 1.5 years approx.) in the water. This class will provide you with:

  • An introduction to breath control
  • Methods of how to hold your baby effectively in the water
  • How to be in tune with your baby
  • Aquatic reflexes
  • General safety and fun

This is a class for you and your child (1.5 yrs – 2.5 yrs approx.) to learn and have fun together. This class will provide you with:

  • Skill-based breath control skills
  • Tips and techniques to help your child move through the water effectively
  • Age-related activities that consider the following development areas: cognitive, social and emotional, relationships, verbal and motor skills.
  • General safety and fun

Your child (2.5 yrs – 3.5 yrs approx.) is at a stage where they want more independence in the water. This class will see your child moving independently through the water. You and your child will learn:

  • Submersion and breathing techniques
  • Techniques for independent propulsion
  • Self-rescue skills

Your child (3.5 yrs – 4 .5 yrs approx.) is now happy to move through the water with little to no support, they are able to jump in and float on their back and call for help. Before we introduce strokes you and your child will learn techniques that they can continue to practice for years to come. This includes:

  • Body position
  • Advanced breath control
  • Continuation of water safety

Your child (4.5 yrs – 5 yrs approx.) is now independent enough and has a basic knowledge of water safety. This is when you get to take a step back and encourage from the side of the pool. Your child will continue to develop previously taught skills as we introduce basic strokes, including Freestyle and Backstroke.