The most important advice that we can offer you is to be relaxed, smile, be happy and enjoy your babies swimming lessons. Water is a magical place, and your swimming lesson should be a particular time for you and your baby to bond, it’s a place where nothing else should matter. You know your baby best so tune into their language, the pool is an excellent place for you to form a relationship of trust. If your baby is grumbling or starts to cry without an obvious reason, is rubbing their eyes or blinking excessively, is looking away and not engaging this is their way of telling you something is not right. Please tune in to them, take them out of the situation hold them close and talk to them. After all your voice is the most familiar noise for your baby and can help keep them calm.

~ Regular nappy for after their lesson
~ Swim nappy if under the age of 3 years old or not fully toilet trained (Tip: swimming nappies do not hold liquids well, change your child into their swimming nappy directly before the lesson starts. Have an extra swim nappy handy in the event of an accident.
~ Clean swimwear (Tip: Rash tops can make your baby cold! Although they keep them warm in the water, as soon as they get out, they instantly have a cold and wet material clinging to their bodies.)
~ Favourite Toy – something to distract them with when you are getting them dressed
~ Change of clothes
~ Towel (Tip: We recommend bringing two towels just in case there are any accidents!)
~ After swim snack and drink (Tip: Your baby will most likely be hungry when they get out of the pool.)
~ Clean swimwear (Tip: wear a loose fitting top over your swimwear while in the pool, this will make it easy for baby to hold onto you. Come dressed in your swimwear it will save you having to get changed before the class.)
~ Change of clothes (Tip: If you live close by you may find it easier to throw something over your bathers and get changed at home once you have settled your baby for a sleep.)
~ Thongs (Tip: wear thongs in wet areas to stop the spread of bacteria from your feet)
~ Towel (Tip: have an extra towel handy, it’s nice to have a dry towel to absorb all the water.)
~ Drink bottle (Tip: feel free to keep your drink bottle by the side of the pool, just make sure it’s plastic.)