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Swimming lessons at home - School of Little Swimmers

At your home

Never leave your home 

School of Little Swimmers specialises in home swimming lessons its where our swim school started. We send highly trained swim teachers to your home pool for your convenience.

School of Little Swimmers believes children need more than swimming skills to keep them safe in water.

The skills and knowledge gained through swimming lessons in your home pool provides a layer of protection based on the skills learnt in the home pool environment. Swimming Lessons in your home pool are designed to educate your children using a customised approach based on the needs of the student, and your swimming pool. Our lesson allow our students to become confident within their own pool, an environment, which you spend a lot of time in the warmer months.

No amount of swimming lessons are enough to keep your child safe in an aquatic environment.

Send  A Message

    No measure can ever guarantee that children are safe in, on and around water.  It is only human for adults to sometimes lapse in their supervision of children in the home or while out and about.

    Children can and do find ways over fences, and even those who have had swimming lessons can still drown. For this reason the SwimSAFER message promotes the application of various layers to protect children from drowning – if one layer ‘fails’ then there is another behind it that may save their life. The layers of protection are:

    “Successful lessons in the best environment”